Category: Election

situation report

2-1-2021 Situation Update with Mike Adams

The fraud is becoming more evident.  White-hat traders first made short sellers on GameStop and now they are squeezing the silver market.  The entire market could collapse. Texas is taking active steps to prepare for succession. The stock market is very fragile and the Gamestop and silver deals prove that.  Robinhood was exposed as a […]

cirsten kelly

1-30-21-My people perish for a lack of knowledge

CirstenW and Kelly Marie talk current news and prophecy Kelly Marie’s website Abba’s Ministry My people perish from a lack of knowledge.  Satanic was infesting the church. Teach my people to be anchored and not angered. Don’t lose self control.  Have faith. (The Lord is in control.  Peace on earth is coming.) Your ways are […]

Cirsten Weldon and Gene

1-21-2021 Gene Decode #31 Biden signs blank paper in Fake White House

1-21-2021 Calm Down – Joe Biden is Not Our President Joe Biden is president of a fake government. The Corporation of the United States of America which was illegally formed in 1871 is defunct. Byden is sitting in a fake Whitehouse, possibly at Mount Vernon. The in-non-uration was a big show and non-binding. The capitol […]

zolna report

1-21-2021 The Marshall Report – read by the Zolna Report

ZolnaReport on Brighteon – an alternative site to YT built by Mike Adams of NaturalNews when he was banned by YouTube for his conservative views.

1-21-2021 updates

1-21-2021 Simon Parkes Update

What went wrong and what are the good guys going to do about it? The timeline has changed. The destination is the same. Things are changing by the minute.

simon parkes charlie ward

1-20-2021 Simone Parkes, Charlie Ward, David Nino Rodriguez & Tiana Islam

    David: The whole inauguration the people in attendance Obama, Clinton – they looked despondent.  It didn’t look like a victory.  It looked like they lost. They had no life in their eyes.  They looked like they were at a funeral.   Simon: That goes to a debate I was having this morning. These […]

Eman Wacagator

1-20-2021 Peace Be With You

I was having a hard time after the in-NON-guration on January 20th.  I was expecting the Emergency Broadcast System to start at 8 am and I was not expecting to see a JB ceremony on TV. All the usual criminals were there. I was thinking, it’s just like rats on a ship. Surely, the military […]

crowd size

1-20-2021 The War Room with Steve Bannon

Ep 669: The Installation (w/ Boris Epshteyn, Jack Posobiec, Rudy Giuliani) Total time 48 minutes 41 seconds This aired 10 am the morning of 1/20/2021 before the ceremony in DC Starts with CNN clip – Cnn guest saying how beams of light are smiling or some propaganda about bye-din –truly embarrassing. they are giddy. 5:00 […]