The fraud is becoming more evident.  White-hat traders first made short sellers on GameStop and now they are squeezing the silver market.  The entire market could collapse.

Texas is taking active steps to prepare for succession.

The stock market is very fragile and the Gamestop and silver deals prove that.  Robinhood was exposed as a fraud because they shut down trading for the little guy.  They are rigging the game.

It's the wizard of oz – the man behind the curtain.  It's all a fraud.  Our money has been worthless for years.  Banking is a fraud.  It's fiat currency. 

The Gamestop fiasco was not about investing in Gamestop.  It was about costing some hedge funds big money.  The hedge fund people were shortselling Gamestop and the populist uprising around the globe bought Gamestop and cost the hedgefund operators billions of dollars.

The price of silver has been illegally, purposefully suppressed.  They don't have enough silver to back up the silver that has been sold.  The silver market is incredibly fraudulent.

This is underpinning the banks that are screwing you and me.  They have been manipulating gold and silver prices to make people think wall street is doing good.

The people are buying silver to bankrupt the banks and show how fraudulent the banks are.

This is an important video to watch if you don't know how fraudulent our entire system is.  Mike goes into a lot of detail and he really does a good job explaining the corruption in detail. 

There is a two tiered system and people are working behind the scenes to bring the system down. 

Exposing the systemic fraud in the system.

This uprising is about buying stocks and commodities and exposing the fake fiat currency of the USA and a house of cards system that this fraud is built upon.

The dollar could be coming to an end.  Land, gold and silver are the things to invest in.

Are you in a blue city in a blue state?  Get out now.

America is breaking apart.  Biden was not elected.  The election was a fraud.  America cannot last under a fake president.

Several of Trump's attorneys are leaving because they won't argue the fraudulent election in the Senate trial.  Trump is getting attorneys that will argue the evidence. Some of the evidence that Sidney Powell and General Flynn have could come out in this impeachment trial.

Financial collapse of a nation is necessary to re-birth the nation.  You can't save the swamp.  You bankrupt it.  It will drain.

Start new.  New money, new nation, new honest laws. 

Patrick Byrne of says Trump was surrounded by incompetant people and that is why he lost the White House.  But, maybe it was all part of the plan.

Democrats are trying to pass HR127 – a law to take guns away.

Sponsor:Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] (Introduced 01/04/2021)
Committees:House – Judiciary
Latest Action:House – 01/04/2021 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.  (All Actions)

Convert dollar assets into something that is real. Buy silver or gold here:

H.R. 127

The text of bill H.R. 127 is up, and boy is it a doozey. It’s the entire package of awfulness the controllers have wanted forever.

So here are some takeaways for this bill, but I’ll link the FPC summary momentarily.

    • Federal registration of all firearms.
    • A national gun registry.
    • Limitations on types of firearms.
    • Federally mandated insurance, expensive, and managed by the FedGov (some $800 per year).
    • Psychological evaluations by state-approved psychologists for approval to purchase firearms.
    • Those evaluations are extended to family members (including former spouses).
    • Prohibition of person-to-person transfers.
    • Prohibition of standard capacity magazines.

Thanks for this summary of H.R. 127 Doug Santo


We must survive the attacks on pro-Trump, pro-Christian, conservative values.  They are not after our beliefs or our freedom of speech or even our guns as much as they are after us.

There is a global de-population going on.  This vaccine wil(sol kill a lot of people. Some are saying that 50% of those who take the vaccine will be dead within 5 years.  Some say that will even be higher than 50%.

With a mass die off many of the people that make the world function – who is going to take over those jobs.  Vaccines, economic collapse, biological weapons, the system will implode.  Wiping out pension funds, wiping out social security…

50 minutes

This is all pretty dark so I am not going to keep typing out Mike's doom and gloom view of the future — I don't agree that things are this dark but maybe I just have a more optimistic view.  I don't disagree with being prepared.  But, being pessimistic is not something I will do. took notes while watching this video. This is not an exact transcript.

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Tania Bera
3 years ago

Very Nice

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