Category: Faith

Fireworks White House

2-4-2021 Krushchev’s Prediction

I pray for this country, for the good guys, for our true President, President Trump, for the military and for the upcoming upheaval.  I pray for the people who don’t know what’s coming because I believe they are going to be in for a shock.  I hope they take it well. When God shows me […]

cirsten kelly

1-30-21-My people perish for a lack of knowledge

CirstenW and Kelly Marie talk current news and prophecy Kelly Marie’s website Abba’s Ministry My people perish from a lack of knowledge.  Satanic was infesting the church. Teach my people to be anchored and not angered. Don’t lose self control.  Have faith. (The Lord is in control.  Peace on earth is coming.) Your ways are […]

Eman Wacagator

1-20-2021 Peace Be With You

I was having a hard time after the in-NON-guration on January 20th.  I was expecting the Emergency Broadcast System to start at 8 am and I was not expecting to see a JB ceremony on TV. All the usual criminals were there. I was thinking, it’s just like rats on a ship. Surely, the military […]

Have faith

Brian of Triumph News talks about censorship on the social networks, and a very important message: in the coming days, we will not know what is happening.  We are at war. We cannot know the plan because if we did, the enemy would know how to defeat us.  Have faith in the plan. Have faith […]